Free Wedding Recption Ideas
If you have set the date for your wedding and are now at the shocked stage when you have discovered how much your wedding reception could cost then this month's newsletter is for you.
Finding a free wedding recetion is all about location.
If you are lucky enough to have a garden or back yard that is big enough then this could be the ideal spot. If you are worried that it doesn't look great there are always quick and inexpensive fixes. Take a look at my
outdoor wedding ideas.
Failing that, ask around do you have family or friends with enough outdoor space?
If you live near a beach or public park then these are great places for wedding receptions and normally don't cost anything. Have a look at
my beach ideas.
You are probably thinking at this moment, fine ok free space but I still have to feed and provide drinks for my guests!
And there is a free way of doing this, a pot-luck reception. If you think it sounds tacky then think again, this is a traditional way of celebrating a marriage. Ask your guests if they would like to bring a dish for the reception rather than a present. You will have to co-ordinate what dishes everyone is bringing but this way you are bound to get a great variety and a little note added into the wedding invitations would cover this.
Other cheap and easy ways to cater for your reception are; Champagne and cake - great for an afternoon wedding reception, or tea and cake, Cocktails and canapes for an evening reception.
Other places for a free reception are a bar, restaurant or nightclub, if they have a members area this would be perfect. Most bar and nightclub owners do waive the hire fee if the spend on the bar is going to be high.
More great alternative venues are here!
If you are a member of a club or you knwo someone that is, then pull a few strings, it's all about who you know!
Some ideas on how to avoid being embarassed by asking for something free!
The more time you have to plan the easier it will be to find a free reception venue, look around, ask venue owners how you can avoid the hire charge. It might be that you would be better to have your wedding reception during the week but you won't know until you ask!
Feel free to forward this newsletter on to your friends and if you are the friend come and sign up for your own copy. Free Wedding Stuff is definately worth passing around!
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More free wedding stuff next month, if you can't wait till then drop by anytime!
All the best
Suz x
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