Some Fun Free Wedding Fit Ideas!
We all want to look gorgeous on our wedding day but getting wedding fit can be an expensive business, membership to the gym, new work out gear and then a whole new wardrobe when your old clothes don't fit!
Thankfully there is another way and that is wedding fit for free.
I am sure I am not the only one who has joined a gym and not gone as often as I said I would? Excercise classes are available completely free if you know where to look ... and that is ... youtube - seriously, you will be amazed at some of the excercise classes that you can watch for free! Some of them are a bit too weird but there are enough genuine excercise classes to get a good work out.
Excercising outside is your free outdoor gym, jogging in the park, local streets, down on the beach are harder than a nice flat treadmill with very little resistance! And if you hate jogging then maybe power walking with your work mates at lunchtime could be an option.
You could also take up cycling, I learnt to ride a two wheel bike in January so I know anyone can do this, you are never too old! Plus you know how I hate to spend money, I picked up my bike for free from Freecycle have groups all over the world, the idea is to stop items going to landfill, you join through Yahoo Groups, can't promise you will get a bike but you never know what else you might find for free!
Good luck finding your free wedding stuff, let me know if this works for you and if it does it would be great if you could
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Suz x
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